Dolphins in Miami Seaquarium

South Beach Miami on a Budget

Dolphins and other creatures in Miami Seaquarium.

Watching a dolphin show at Miami Seaquarium was like a spiritual experience for me. I can’t say that I loved dolphins or had any special experience with marine life before seeing this show. I had never seen dolphins before and didn’t really know what to expect.

Dolphins are a highly intelligent marine species and they are found all over the world, especially in the shallow sea areas of continental shelves.

Friendly Creatures

Dolphins are well known for their playful behavior, and will leap out of the water with agility to look around.

I am told that they often follow ships and smaller sailboats, and will ride the bow waves to save energy.

Among sailors, these friendly sea mammals are legendary for playing around sailboats. They will come alongside, roll half over and give the crew the big eye, then dive under the boat and leap ahead on the opposite side!

They always seem totally aware of their space and timing, and do not create any problems for the boat crew trying to take pictures of the antics.

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How I felt about the show

When the Seaquarium dolphin show ended about forty-five minutes later, I could only describe the experience in one word: LOVE. Love between the trainers and the dolphins, and love between the dolphins and the audience!

I frankly would not have minded seeing the whole show again, but my time was limited by a tour schedule.

Other Creatures

Getting to the show

The ticket to the Seaquarium is expensive but worth it. Check the Check Miami Seaquarium website for current prices.

You can get to the Seaquarium from South Beach Miami on an organized group tour. Ask your hotel front desk attendant to help you with reservations.

Or, you can go by public transportation. Local transit buses stop at the Seaquarium, but you may have to make one or more transfers while traveling between South Miami Beach and the Seaquarium. Again, asking your hotel’s front desk manager, or checking a local bus route map, may make this trip easier.

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